Rules of Witney Dramatic Society
1. Title
The name of the society shall be Witney Dramatic Society hereafter referred to as The Society.
2. Objectives
a. To further the interest of Dramatic Arts.
b. To provide members with information and theatrical skills.
c. To provide opportunities for them to practise these skills at club nights and in multiple productions a year.
d. To arrange visits to the theatre and other social functions for members.
3. Management
The authority and responsibility of the business of the Society and for its management shall be vested in the committee as defined in section 3.1 below.
3.1 The Committee
The Committee shall consist of the following named positions:
● Chair
● Vice chair
● Treasurer
● Secretary
Plus a minimum of six ordinary committee members.
The Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
A quorum is deemed to be five.
The Committee shall have the power to appoint a sub-committee of two or more members to deal with any items as the Committee instructs.
The Committee shall have the right at any time to co-opt members to fill vacancies unless there are more candidates than vacancies, in which case an election will be held.
The Director of a current production may be co-opted onto the Committee in order to provide updates.
3.2 Meetings of the Committee
The Committee shall meet whenever summoned to do so by the Secretary (normally once each month) or as directed by the Chairperson.
3.3 Voting at committee meetings
Each person with the exception of the Chairperson shall be entitled to cast one vote. Decisions will be reached by a simple majority.
In the event of a tied vote the Chairperson shall have the casting vote.
3.4 Duties of the Secretary
It shall be the duty of the Secretary to
● Attend in person or by deputy all committee meetings and AGMs and to take minutes of the proceedings.
● Receive all correspondence and reply to letters as instructed by the Committee.
- File Minutes of meetings and present them for confirmation in the following committee meeting. The minutes to be signed as a true record and a copy to be made available to members on request.
- Upload Minutes of every meeting to the Committee area on the website.
3.5 Banking
All monies shall be banked (or deposited with a Building Society) by the Treasurer, or nominated committee member, in the name of the society, and no disbursements shall be made therefrom except in accordance with the form or forms authorised by the Committee.
Cheques must be signed in accordance with the bank mandate as agreed by the Committee, the signatories being the Chairman, Treasurer and two named Committee members.
All monies over £100 to be spent other than on a production must be put to the committee for authorisation prior to any expenditure including any online or electronic payments.
4. General meetings
4.1 Voting at general meetings
Every paid up member with the exception of the Chairperson, shall have the right to exercise one vote.
At all general meetings decisions shall be reached by a simple majority.
In the event of a tied vote, the Chairperson shall have the casting vote.
4.2 Annual General Meeting
The annual general meeting (AGM) of the society shall be held after the 1st December in each year upon a date and at a time fixed by the committee.
The AGM shall:
● Receive from the Chairperson a report on the activities of the Society during the year ending 30th November.
● Receive from the Treasurer a balance sheet and full statement on accounts showing receipts and expenditure for the year ending 30th November.
● Effect the new committee using the procedure detailed in section 4.2.1.
● Decide on any changes to the Society rules that have been submitted using the procedure in section 8.1.
- Select two persons independent of the Treasurer to audit the accounts every year end.
● Act as a forum for any other business.
A Quorum should consist of two thirds of the membership. Should this number not be reached, a Special General Meeting (SGM) will be called at a later date.
4.2.1. Election of officers
The Committee shall be elected at the annual general meeting.
The Committee shall be selected from members of at least 6 months standing who are paid up members.
● The AGM shall elect a Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice Chair and a minimum of six (6) other members.
● Each Committee member shall serve as elected until the next AGM.
● Retiring members shall be eligible for re-election.
- Nominations for candidates to the Committee shall be verbally proposed at the AGM. The name of the proposer and the seconder to be recorded by the Secretary in the Minutes.
4.3 Special general meetings
A special general meeting (SGM) may be convened:
- By the direction of the Committee or
- On a requisition to the Secretary stating the business for which the SGM is required and signed by not fewer than ten members
- If the meeting so requisitioned is not convened within twenty-one days the said ten members, or 30% of members, whichever is the lesser may convene such a meeting.
- Thirty per cent of the members recorded on the date the meeting is called shall form a quorum.
- At least fourteen days’ notice, by post or electronic means shall be given of all SGMs stating the purpose of the meeting.
- The non-receipt of such notice by any member shall not invalidate the proceedings.
- No other business, other than that stated in the notice of such a meeting, shall be discussed at the meeting.
5. Membership
5.2 Normal members
Membership of the society is based on an annual subscription.
The subscription period starts on 1st January.
The subscription shall be determined at the AGM.
A Student Membership is available at a cost of 50% of the normal subscription.
Membership of the Society is open to all persons over the age of sixteen years.
Members will be asked to contribute to the purchase of any script, up to a value of £10.
5.3 Temporary membership
Temporary membership may be extended to persons, including those 15 and under who participate in a production where the committee so instructs.
The temporary member shall be requested to pay a sum of money to be determined by the committee, to cover the cost of inclusion on the Society’s insurance policy.
This cost will be no less than 60% of the current normal membership fee.
5.4 All members
Every member binds him or herself to abide by the rules of the society and also any modifications thereof, made in conformity with such rules, and also accept as final and binding, the decision of the Committee in all cases of dispute or disagreement as to the interpretation of these rules.
6. Costumes, props and equipment
6.1 Society costumes
The committee shall appoint a member of the Society, not necessarily on the Committee to the post of wardrobe controller.
Costumes must be used for Society productions only.
The wardrobe controller must be informed before any item is removed from or returned to the store.
In exceptional circumstances requests by other drama groups to use the Society’s costumes for productions may be authorised by the Committee.
6.2 Society equipment
Equipment must be used for society productions only.
In exceptional circumstances requests by other drama groups to use the Society’s equipment may be authorised by the Committee.
6.3 Equipment belonging to a third party
The Society will not accept responsibility for damage or loss of personal property or effects (used by their owner) during a production.
6.4 Use of the Society’s name
The Society’s name shall not be given by a member as his/her address for any trade advertising or business purposes or in connection with any legal proceedings.
7. Dissolution
A Special General Meeting (SGM) to discuss the dissolution of the Society may be convened by the Committee or on the requisition of the majority of members. Should a SGM decide in favour of a resolution to dissolve the Society, then a poll of the members shall be taken.
If the resolution be duly passed, the Committee shall forthwith pass the affairs of the Society for a minimum of twelve months prior to the disposal thereof.
8. Society rules
Every member of the society shall be bound by these rules.
Every member of the society shall be issued with a copy of these rules.
8.1 Alterations to the rules
Any alterations may be made to the rules by a general meeting, provided:
a) That the Secretary has given fourteen days’ notice of the proposed alteration, which shall then be included in the agenda for the meeting.
b) That the resolution proposing such alteration, or alterations, is carried by a two thirds majority of those present and voting as such General meeting.
Version agreed by SGM - 18th May 2023